On April 8 – 2024 gets to have its very own solar eclipse, and it’s the only one for the next 9 years. This eclipse will be the most visible from places such as Buffalo, Cleveland, Dallas, and Indianapolis.
According to NASA, a solar eclipse occurs when “The moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow over parts of Earth and blocking the face of the Sun for observers in those locations.” This year, the sky will end up being pitch black for a total of 4 minutes and 9 seconds. But that doesn’t mean it’s safe to look at, without protection at least.
It is extremely dangerous to look at the eclipse without protection, and normal sunglasses won’t cut it – you’ll need a special pair of solar viewing glasses. If you’re using a special viewing device such as a telescope or binoculars, you need a solar lens to put over it to prevent eye damage. Looking at a solar eclipse without the proper viewing equipment can lead to “eclipse blindness” or burns to your retina. This can cause your vision to disappear for a few hours, or even for life.
If you find that you did accidentally look at the sun without safety gear, here’s what to do: You should see an eye doctor as soon as possible. However, there’s not much they can do for you. Steroids to help with the pain can be prescribed, but the healing is just a matter of waiting for your vision to hopefully return.
As we get closer to the eclipse, lots of public spaces such as libraries, schools, and astronomical observatories will provide solar viewing glasses. To purchase them, you can go to GreatAmericanEclipse.com, NationalEclipse.com, and many other sites. As you purchase your eclipse-viewing lenses, always make sure they are from an approved vendor. The American Astronomical Society has a list of solar eclipse-approved viewing glasses on (aas.org).
Spread the word and stay safe during this solar eclipse!