Four Choir Students Make it to UA High School Honor Choir

Samantha Valdez, Reporter

Four Sahuaro Fine Arts students made it into UofA’s High School Honor Choir. The four students are Lylah Field, Justin Schicker, TJ Simon, and Zoe Tomas.  In conjunction with the Fred Fox School of Music, the UA High School Honor Choir “presents its culminating performance sharing the stage with the UA Symphonic Choir and the Arizona Choir. This distinguished choir is made up of 60 students selected by audition, representing schools from throughout Arizona. The performance caps off a weekend of rehearsals, educational opportunities and social activities for the students and their directors.”

Lylah Fields, Sahuaro senior has been a musician ever since the third grade in a small school choir. “I fell in love with choir because of the connection you create with the audience as you communicate messages through a song.” Lylah began classical vocal training in middle school and began competing in regional and state vocal competitions. She has made Regionals every year since the eighth grade. She made the Arizona All State Choir last year and is now part of another choir at U of A, Wildcat High School Choir, which she has been in for four years. Lylah has three siblings and lives with her mom and step dad.

Justin Schicker is a junior at Sahuaro. He decided to join Sahuaro’s choir because he had been told he was a good singer. Justin sang with the  Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus before high school, but he hadn’t been in a singing program for years, so when he was making his schedule his freshman year of high school, he was offered Choir as a Fine Arts credit, and so he went for it.

Zoe Tomas is a senior and has been in choir since third grade, but did not join Sahuaro’s choir until her sophomore year.” I’ve been participatingin choirs since the 3rd grade and started participating in choir at Sahuaro my sophomore year. This is her third year being a part of UA Honor Choir. She has competed in Regional and State competitions and as an individual. Zoe also competed in another state and regional competition with Sahuaro Concert Choir .

T.J. Simon is a senior and in bass advance in choir, bass advanced is a classic male singing voice and it has the lowest vocal range of all voice types. This is Simon’s second year of choir. T.J. is the vice president of Choir, and has been involved in music for about 10 years. He joined Choir because Lylah Fitch recommended it to him.  T.J. is part of the U of A Wildcat choir and states,  “It’s fun, challenging. But is always interesting.”