Frank the Tank

Evan Schubert, News Editor

A season ago he had the same uniform, was a part of the same organization, and was led by the same coaches. He’s run all of his life and his training is nearly the same routine. That being said, this season Frank Moreno will not have the same role as he did a year ago. The seniors he watched for three straight years are gone and now he is expected to lead this team of young runners to something that he has not seen.

The Cougar Cross Country team is on a state drought and among the only reasons to believe this year will be any different is that now Frank Moreno is at the helm of this ship. He’s the top runner in the school and is among the best to ever attend Sahuaro, holding the 5th fastest time on record. His leadership has reached out to runners on the top of the team all the way to the bottom. Fellow teammate and senior, Angel Cruz describes Frank’s leadership as ‘Even though Frank is the fastest boy on varsity, he uses that not to be cocky and to show off, but to push us even harder. In my mind Frank is a true leader not because he tells us what to do but because he makes us the best that we can be and to top it off his hair is pretty dope.”  This team has been regarded as closer than others in recent years and team bonding is something that’ll influence the season’s outcome.

Moreno has been running since middle school and was instantly a success as soon as he began competitive running, now he plans on attending Northern Arizona University. Running will continue to play a role in his life and aspires to fulfill his dream of one day running a marathon.