Auto Internships

Jacob Hernandez, Reporter

Over the summer, students were able to be a part of a paid internship program on Automotive technologies. Automotive technologies was chosen because there is a shortage of employees in this area. The program started on June 1st and and lasted for six weeks.

 TUSD superintendent H.T Sanchez and a small group of business leaders helped to build this paid summer internship. Of the eight students that participated, five completed the program and were offered part time jobs and the other three were directly hired, which will result in full time careers after graduation.
Of the eight students that participated, three of them are from Sahuaro. I was able to interview two of the students and ask them a few questions about how they felt about the program. Senior Ethan Copeland said, “I was super excited to start it and I felt like I knew what I was doing, but after a few days I realized there was more to it than I thought. I enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun. I would go back if I could.” Ethan has already enlisted in the army, plans to be a part of the Small Arms, Heavy Artillery, and Ballistic Missile Repair.
Senior Matthew Freeman said, “When I started, it was very new, I didn’t know much at the time so it was a lot of learning to say the least.”  Matthew plans on working in the shop he was interning at, and plans on being in the Marines Corp in the future, but that hasn’t been decided yet. “It was a new experience that I decided I was going to do this.”