USA Olympics Homecoming Assembly

Giselle Enriquez, Editor-In-Chief

Homecoming is one of the most exciting weeks at any high school. The Olympics is one of the most important events for USA fans and athletes to come together and celebrate pride in their country. So ideally, these two mixed together would be a brilliant union. And so it was.

The USA Olympics Homecoming Assembly this year was a success as it all ran smoothly, and with a whole lot of spirit from each class. As students walked in, the Olympic Hymn was blasted throughout the gym and the MC’s Lady Liberty (Camila Ibarra) and Uncle Sam (Ryan Depugh) were ready to put on an Olympic array.

Choir opened the show, doing a beautiful job at singing the National Anthem. Then in true Olympic Spirit, an Opening Ceremony game was played. It was Mr. McCane and Mr. Patterson vs. Mr. Hislope and Mr. Rutherford. McCane and Patterson did a rocking job singing along and dancing to Eye of The Tiger; however, Hislope and Mr. Rutherford’s rock version of Spongebob’s Goofy Goober was what stole the show, earning them the Olympic medals. The Cheerleading team had a never-before-seen performance where not only the band was able to merge in throughout it, but also some of the football players accompanied the performance during the Electric Slide.

The seniors from varsity football, girls varsity volleyball, swim team, boys golf, girls golf, cross country, and cheer were all announced following the cheer performance. Each team was given a torch, and a chance to show off their team cheer to the cheering stands. The Armed Forces also joined in at the assembly, playing Dizzy Bat with two representatives from the Army, Navy, and Marines. It was impressive seeing the Sahuaro representatives in action, and hearing the classes cheer them on yelling, “USA USA USA!”

Afterward, Sahuaro’s honorary students were highlighted and 4.0’s were announced for each class by class presidents. Hungry Hungry Hippos was the final Olympic game, as two students from each class got the opportunity to earn the gold. It was a tie between the juniors and seniors, each earning 7 balloons.

The spirit champion and queen were announced and Vanessa Centeromi and Iliana Falcon earned their crowns. The MC’s Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam closed the show with the band exiting the USA fans out.