Senior Q&A: Katie Cavanaugh

Max Becker, Sports Editor

Q: What has been your best memory at Sahuaro?

A: Being in theatre, working on shows with friends so close I consider them my second family. I also loved being the lead in the Red Velvet Cake War. I got to perform with my best friend, and the role was very easy for me to play, as I felt like I really related to the crazy, outgoing persona of the character.

Q: Name one of your favorite teachers at Sahuaro, and why?

A: Mrs. Lawson, she is very sweet and listens if you need to talk to someone.

Q:What are your plans after high school? 

A: I plan to attend NAU and study theatre and possibly education. I would love to teach drama to children, preferably at a high school level.

Q:What are three fun facts about you?

A: I hate Chipotle, I enjoy doing my math homework because it really just clicks in my mind, and Converse are my favorite type of shoes, because they are better than Vans.

Q: Name one of your idols or icons.

A: Lin-Manuel Miranda. He’s a very inspiring actor that treats his fans very well.

Q: If you could go back and change one thing about your high school career, what would it be?

A: To get better grades, and to try harder my Freshman and Sophomore year.

Q: Give your freshman-self advice in ten words or less.

A: Just do your work, and stop stressing out.

Q: What do you feel has been/will be your legacy left here at Sahuaro?

A: My dedication to the drama department. I was always in the theatre, always doing everything I could do to help the teacher and keep the theatre running smoothly.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?

A: I would love to be living in New York, walking the red carpet as an actress. If that doesn’t work out, I’d like to be a drama teacher living in New York with my family, although I don’t want kids.

Q: What’s the worst/most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at Sahuaro?

A: It was raining really hard one day, I was walking downstairs and slipped and screamed very loudly.