Alternative to Earning PE Credit

Andrew Filiberti, Senior, #10

Autumn Fatovich, News Editor

Tucson Unified School District has finally created an alternative way to receive a physical education credit. All students can now participate in a sport and receive the mandatory PE credit. There are several requirements to receive this alternative form of credit.  The athlete must take a written and physical test, attend every practice, and obtain a sign-off sheet with your coach’s signature every week.

“You have to attend every practice and competition. Plus you have to pretty much be on varsity the whole time.  There’s a lot going on senior year and I’m very stressed. But it’s totally worth it,” said senior Nora Thompson, who is running Cross Country for her Physical Education credit.

To be able to participate, the athlete must compete at the varsity level and have an up-to- date physical on file. To start the process, you have to go in and talk to your counselor about wanting to be in a sport for a PE credit. They will then give you all the necessary paperwork to fill out. It is a lengthy process but it will pay off in the end!