Fresh Faces: Meet Freshman Setah Smith

Caleb Loya, Reporter

Setah Smith is no ordinary Sahuaro Freshman. One interesting thing about Setah is that he can speak 4 different languages: Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin (Chinese), and English. This cultured teen can be envied for his travels, having visited countries around the world such as China, Korea, and Vietnam. Setah goes to China to visit family, and the other places are just vacations to experience life.

Setah comes from Alice Vail Middle School and is a fan of Christina Aguilera and Demi Lovato.  His favorite line from a song is: “Makes me that much stronger, makes me a little bit harder, makes me that much wider, so thanks for making me a fighter.” And, if he could have anyone in the entire world as a teacher here at Sahuaro, he who would choose Demi Lavato because “she is a big inspiration and influences millions”.

He plays two instruments, the Alto Sax and the Trumpet. Setah started playing the Alto Sax in 4th grade and the Trumpet in 6th grade. He plays with a private jazz school, but he’s up for more challenges.  When questioned about the transition from middle school and his expectations for high school, he answered, “I like it, and I think that the classes and the schedules will become harder.” His favorite subject so far in school is Band, and he is in both concert and marching band. He hopes that being in band and playing the trumpet is what he will be known for at Sahuaro, specifically, “Most Improved”.  As a Cougar, he strives to do his best and will accomplish goals that he sets in high school.

We end this interview with a few questions for Setah:

Q: If we asked your friends or family to describe you in one word, what word would they choose?  Name top three words.

A: Honest, Talented, Musical

Q: If you had to live inside of a T.V. show, which show would you live in and why?

A: I don’t watch T.V.

Q: What is your life motto or a quote that you live by?

A: “Even through the darkest things and darkest storms, there’s always a rainbow afterwards.”- Demi Lavato