Freshman Football Gets Diversified

Max Becker, Sports Editor

Sierra Garbarino is stepping from the sideline to the 50-yard line.

Sierra, a freshman, is the only current female on the 2016-2017 Freshman Football team. She recently graduated from Magee Middle School, and has been a cheerleader for the past 10 years. She claims that while she was on the sideline cheering, she always felt a special attraction to the game of football, often finding herself more interested in the game than her cheer routine. Although female, Sierra often felt that she belonged under the bright lights, participating as opposed to simply cheering her peers on. This led to the decision to try out for the team, and it seems her risk has paid off.

This is her first year playing football, and she says it has been difficult adjusting to the demands of the coaches. They expect a lot out of the entire team, and she has not been given any special exceptions just because she is a girl. The practices are long and difficult, especially in the arid Tucson climate. Regardless, she has persevered and proven that she deserves a spot on the team. One area she has had no difficulties in was bonding with her teammates. She feels as if she fit right in, and her teammates have treated her with kindness as respect, and she views them all as a second family. As of right now, she is planning to play football for all 4 years of her high school career.

Sierra states one of her favorite experiences has been with the coaches. Chris Patterson, longtime Sahuaro teacher and current Freshman football coach, said, “I think it’s very courageous for her to play football.” Sierra was quoted as saying her coaches have been “awesome”, and she looks forward to what the season will bring.

Sierra Garbarino is a testament to the accepting nature of Sahuaro High School, as well as to the competitive nature inside all of us.