Girls Volleyball Wins Invitational Undefeated

Jacob Hernandez, Reporter

Sahuaro’s Girls Varsity Volleyball team won this year’s TUSD invitational for the third time in a row.  The invitational was held at Palo Verde on September 2nd and 3rd.

The semifinal matches were played against Rincon and University High. The final match was against Sabino. Sahuaro won that match 2-0, the scores being 25-14 and 25-15.

Madi Nash and Brielle Sterns, the hitters or people hitting the ball offensively, combined for thirteen ‘kills’ (points made from a spike, tip, or dump) during the champion match in the first set by itself.

Morgan Nash, a senior and member of the team stated,  “We played seven games including Pueblo, Tanque Verde, Sabino, Rincon, Desert Christian, and I don’t know what else. It was fun and exciting and nerve racking at times.”

In the pool play, Sahuaro’s scores were 2-0 over Tanque Verde and Desert Christian.