Ms. Hartman Has Heart

Meet New Anatomy Teacher, Ms. Hartman

Nora Thompson, Cougart Editor

When a you try to kill a bug with your cheap flip flop and you end up breaking a window, it would normally be taken as a bad omen, but not for brand new teacher Ms. Hartman. On her first period of her first day of a new school, she shattered her science classroom window (and annihilated the intruder), but like the trooper she is, she kept on teaching.

“I was more impressed that the 98 cent table cloth on my window didn’t break,” she says laughing. Ms. Hartman is the newest addition to the lower 100 building and the anatomy trio.  She graduated from Lake Forest College in Chicago, but is still taking courses at Pima Community College to finish her bachelor’s program, which means she is taking courses online, while being a teacher full time, which she says is “not a bad situation.”

Hartman hopes that by the end of the year she will have graduated from the program and be fully certified, she also wants to get more insight into her teaching and feel more comfortable with students and parents. Hartman wants her students to know that she is here for them, a lot of students just need to communicate with her, and the help is available if they are willing to ask for it.

She told us that she will be expecting lots from her students as far as her policies, workload, and the classroom atmosphere goes. Much of what she does, she does to help the students in the long run. She hopes they will rise to the occasion.