For Aria Lujan, high school has been a time of immense personal growth, deep friendships, and an unwavering commitment to community and faith. As graduation approaches, Aria reflects on the past four years, the challenges she’s faced, and the excitement of the future ahead.
Born and raised in Tucson, Aria is deeply connected to her family and culture. “I’m Mexican and Spanish, and I have three sisters. My mom is my best friend, and my family means everything to me,” she shares. Faith has also played a major role in her life. “Jesus is the most important thing to me, and I love being able to share and talk about it whenever people ask.” Aria describes herself as a passionate person who puts her heart into everything she does, always keeping busy with school, extracurricular activities, and volunteering.
Looking back at her freshman year, Aria sees how much she has changed. “I don’t even know who I was back then, but my favorite thing is looking at how much I’ve grown since then. I feel blessed every day that I am who I am today.” She gives credit to her friends for being a constant source of support through high school. “Any time with them is my favorite memory. They’ve given me comfort and laughs in times of need, and I’ll forever be grateful.”
One of the most impactful experiences for Aria has been her involvement in Student Council. “The bonds I’ve made there are beyond precious. You can’t break a StuCo bond. All the stress, tears, sweat, fights, laughs, and smiles—those 7 a.m. to midnight days—I’ll never forget those times. It’s the best kind of stress, and there’s so much love through it all.”
After graduation, Aria plans to attend Pima Community College to explore different career paths before making a final decision. “I’m interested in law, art, psychology, and EMT science. I’d be blessed to do any of those. I just want to find the path that’s truly right for me.” Over time, she has learned to take the pressure off herself. “I used to have a lot of anxiety about not knowing what I wanted to do, but I’ve realized that I have the rest of my life. I know God will guide me to the right path.”
High school was not without struggles. Aria has been open about her battle with mental health challenges, particularly during her freshman year. “I was in a deep hole, stuck in a toxic relationship, and completely unaware of how poor my mental state was. I had no motivation, no desire for anything. I wasn’t eating, I wasn’t drinking water, and I became anemic.” Two teachers, Ms. Gallego and Mr. Aaron, truly helped her. “They helped me see my reality and encouraged me to heal. I can never repay them for what they did for me. I’m eternally grateful.”
Today, Aria is proud of how far she has come. “It’s amazing to know I’ve overcome so much, but I want people to know that mental health struggles are real and valid. Depression and anxiety are hard, but there are people who understand and want to help. I’ll always be there to support anyone who needs it.”
Outside of school, Aria’s hobbies include reading, music, and collecting CDs and vinyl records. “I love going to car shows, thrifting, and spending unnecessary money,” she jokes. “Concerts are my favorite thing ever. I’ll go to any and every concert.” She is also deeply committed to volunteering, particularly through her church. One of her favorite events is Night to Shine, a prom for guests with special needs. “I try to do it every year—it’s just a blast.”
At school, Aria is an active member of Student Council, Latinos Unidos, and Book Club. She also finds joy in spending time with her family. “We’re a tight-knit family, and I can always be my most comfortable self with them.” Her two beloved dachshund mixes, Jakob and Chorizo, bring her endless joy. “They’re my whole heart. They’re anxious, but they’re my babies.”
And, of course, there’s one more thing everyone should know about Aria Lujan: “I am Spider-Man. Anyone who knows me knows I am Spider-Man, and my Spidey-senses are always tingling.”
As she prepares for life beyond high school, Aria is eager for the future but grateful for the past. “High school has been great, but I can’t wait to start my life. I’m excited to travel and see where life takes me.”