Sahuaro High School recently hosted a remarkable guitar concert, featuring compositions inspired by the planets, and created by the school’s guitar teacher, Mr. Hemmo. This innovative project combined music and visual art in a unique way, with student Lillian O’Reilly contributing her artistic talents to bring planetary themes to life.
Mr. Hemmo’s inspiration for the project came from his lifelong fascination with astronomy. “As a young person, I was very interested in astronomy, and I continue to be curious about science and discoveries,” he explained. Over six months between 2021 and 2022, he composed nine musical pieces, each inspired by one of the planets in our solar system, including Pluto, which he felt deserved representation despite its reclassification as a dwarf planet.
Each composition reflects the unique characteristics of its respective planet. For example, Mars captures the perseverance of NASA’s Opportunity rover, while Earth focuses on the theme of sunrise, conveying a sense of hope and renewal. Mr. Hemmo describes his work as “program music,” a classical style that tells a story or paints a picture through sound. This approach allowed him to translate the essence of each planet into intricate melodies and harmonies. His favorites, Earth and Uranus, hold special significance due to their lush harmonies and evocative themes.
To complement these compositions, Lillian took on the ambitious task of creating artwork for each planet as part of her Arts Seal project. The Arts Seal, a program designed to encourage students to explore creative pursuits professionally, provided Lillian with the perfect opportunity to merge her passion for art with her music appreciation. “I wanted to create artwork that can help you visualize the composition,” she explained. “This project consists of the eight planets, including Pluto, to accompany Mr. Hemmo’s musical compositions.”
Lillian’s journey as an artist began in childhood, but it wasn’t until sixth grade that she started taking art classes. That’s when she became more serious about her craft. While she doesn’t envision art as her full-time career, she plans to keep it as a significant part of her life. Through this project, she explored how sound and visual imagery can intersect, using Mr. Hemmo’s music as a guide for her creative process. Each drawing reflects the compositions’ mood and characteristics, adding an immersive visual dimension to the musical experience.
The concert celebrated Mr. Hemmo’s musical vision and Lillian’s artistic talent. Together, they demonstrated how two different art forms—music and visual art—can work in harmony to create a deeper understanding of the planets. The audience had the rare opportunity to not only hear but also see the planets come alive through this unique collaboration.
This event underscored the power of interdisciplinary creativity, inspiring students and faculty alike. Lillian summed up her motivation for the project briefly: “It allowed me to pursue the stuff I like to do more professionally.” For both teacher and student, the project was a journey of exploration and expression, proving that when art and science come together, the results can be truly stellar.
Marie Jennings • Dec 18, 2024 at 8:48 am
I love how you described the compositions, and how you put feel into it. The wording was great! I also love how you went on to credit Lillian for her artistic abilities.