Q & A with JV Football Head Coach

Jacob Hernandez, Reporter

Head Coach Lucius Miller is now coaching Sahuaro’s JV football team for his first year after coaching at Rincon High School for 28 years. I was able to ask him a few questions about this upcoming football season.

Me: What are your expectations for this years season?

Coach Miller: “The expectation is to win, to teach the character and ethics of the school, to uphold the traditions, and to build young men.”

Me: Do you he expect any athletes to go to further levels than Varsity football (College or Professional)?

Coach Miller: “I see a lot of our athletes being able to attain getting scholarships through persistence and hard work.”

Me: What should Freshman know if they want to be on JV, or if it is possible.

Coach Miller: “All the freshmen should stick with the program through the four full years. It gives them the opportunity to unite in a unique family/organization of football. Usually all freshmen play with their respective classmates. I don’t think we will recruit any to the Junior Varsity level this year unless they are better than what we have respectfully.”

Me: Is there anything else you have to say?

Coach Miller: “Football is a great game for the development of today’s youth, helping with time management, organization structure, communication skills, and teamwork.”

Thank you Coach Miller, we wish you the best of  luck this season.