Twilight: the vampire-romance series that stars a teenage girl named Bella Swan, a vampire named Edward Cullen, and a wolf shape-shifter named Jacob Black. This series has ignited a heated debate between two sides that still continue to spark: Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Edward Cullen, the vampire with a mysterious demeanor, has caught many viewers’ hearts, and not only for Bella Swan. His chivalry and sacrificial love make him a great candidate for Bella. He embodies the classic gentlemen archetype, often displaying chivalry and grace. His protective acts towards Bella are seen as selfless, as he always puts her safety over his well-being. Not only is he protective, but he is also committed. Edward’s commitment to Bella highlights his willingness to make sacrifices for his loved ones. His decision to leave Bella in New Moon is a testament to his desire to protect her from not only himself, but to other dangers of his own world.
Jacob Black, the shape-shifter werewolf, has also captured positive feelings from viewers. However, with his manipulative behavior and boundary issues, is he really the best for Bella? Some people argue that Jacob’s behavior can be seen as controlling, particularly in Eclipse. His attempts to charm her away from Edward while she’s in a vulnerable state can be seen as manipulative and disrespectful of her feelings.
So who is best for Bella? There are some qualities from the two that can help validate your choices. Because of Jacob’s manipulative tactics and boundary issues, I think Bella would be better off without him, but they could still remain friends. However, because of Edward’s commitment and desire to protect Bella, I believe he would be the best choice for her, and they would look great together. Ultimately, the choice between Team Edward or Team Jacob is a personal choice, but for me, there is an obvious choice of who is better for Bella.