We Will Miss You Ms. Riechert

Nicholas Cordova, SHS News Editor

Sonia Riechert has been an English teacher at Sahuaro for four years. Even though she has only been with us for a short time, she has definitely left her mark on her students. Several students who either had one of her classes last year or are in her class this year all roughly said the same thing: she is an amazing teacher.

This wasn’t surprising considering how much experience she has. She spent many years working as a substitute teacher, after-school teacher, and camp counselor at La Paloma Academy, also tutoring many students. Realizing she enjoyed helping students, she decided to get her official teaching license. Once she finished her certification, she started teaching 6th grade at Doolen. Eventually, she transferred to Sahuaro High School where she would become many students’ favorite teacher.

The main reason Ms. Riechert is leaving is because she wants to be closer to her family in Massachusetts. She doesn’t intend on ending her teaching career. Once she gets settled in Massachusetts, she wants to either continue teaching at a school or start working as a librarian. When asked about her favorite memory from working at Sahuaro she said that she couldn’t pick just one but she, “…loves the students and staff.”  She also said, “I’ve loved teaching here and I will miss it greatly.”

Ms. Riechert’s English Department co-workers will also miss her greatly. Mrs. Watters, English Department Chair, said, “Sonia is the kindest person ever! She is always sharing ideas and lessons with others, and she constantly works to refine her own teaching. She is absolutely wonderful!” Ms. Good, another English teacher said, “Ms. Riechert is an incredible teacher and such a kind-hearted person. We will all miss her!” Friend and science teacher, Lynn Bradley, said, “My friend has made me feel SOOOOO welcome to Sahuaro and is full of great ideas for me.  I will miss her.”

We will miss you too Ms. Riechert, thank you for being an amazing teacher, and good luck in your future endeavors.