Stuco Elections Are Here!

Lia Ghirardi, Editor-In-Chief

Are you a freshman, sophomore, or junior who wants to be more involved for the 2023 – 2024 school year? Look no further than joining Student council! It is that time of year for Stuco officer elections…here’s everything you need to know!

What is the class all about?

Stuco is a student-run class that focuses on planning events for Sahuaaro students and staff.

Mission Statement: We, the Student Council of Sahuaro High School, strive to create and preserve a united student body; a body infused with pride and spirit which encompasses a diverse spectrum of students, faculty, and community by promoting involvement within Sahuaro High School.

Purpose:  The main goals of this course are as follows:

  • To plan, organize, advertise, prepare, execute, and evaluate school activities for Sahuaro students
  • To perfect the skills of teamwork, leadership, organization, and project planning
  • To fulfill the promises of the Student Council mission statement
  • To participate in service learning, community activities, and affairs
  • To unify our school into a solid group, working together to better the community

What is expected of me?

  1. ALL Students MUST attend dance-decorating sessions and pep assembly preparation
  2. ALL Students MUST remain after dances to help clean up
  3. Students should be on time for class every day
  4. Students are expected to be promoters of Student Council and Sahuaro High School. Our goal is to unify the school and maintain a positive environment.

What are “elections”?

Elections take place at the end of every school year for the following year. If you want to run for any officer position, you must get between 100-150 signatures of student approval based on which position you are running for. Once you get signatures, you need letters of recommendation from Sahuaro staff. Student Body President Cesia Salazar is in charge of elections this year. “Student Council elections are an exciting time! Not only do we look for creative, diverse ideas. We also obtain great academic students. We have many students involved in sports, fine arts, and other extracurricular activities. We would love for you to join us! For a Student Body position, you have to have been in Student Council for at least a year and you need two letters of recommendation from two teachers and one letter of recommendation from an administrator,  you need to get 150 signatures from the student body and you need to pass a Student Council Constitution test, then voting process begins unless nobody else is running against you. For class officer positions anyone can join. You need to have 75 class signatures, two teacher letters of recommendation and pass the Student Council constitution test, then the same as the voting processes, you start advertising yourself unless nobody else is running against you. We will be having Student Body elections the week of April 28 and we will be having class officer positions in elections the week of May 5. If you have any questions regarding Student Council on how to join, please stop by Mrs. Trujillo’s, room 108 for further questions or DM us on on Instagram @sahuaro.stuco, we will also have all the paperwork for you.”