The ACT: What It Is and How To Prepare

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Nicholas Cordova, SHS News Editor

The ACT is a series of consecutive tests that students will take towards the end of their junior year of high school. It takes around 5 hours to complete and covers every core subject except for history. You can take the test once for free at school, but if you want to retake it you will have to pay. If you do well on the ACT, you can get scholarships. The best chance you have of doing well on the ACT is to be prepared.

There are a lot of ways you can prepare. If you really want to increase your chances of doing well on the test then you should study for it throughout the year. There are many online practice tests you can take to give you some insight into what the test will look like. Do not wait until the day before to start studying. The practice tests I did can be found on the ACT website. The questions shown there are formatted the exact same way as they would be on the actual test.

The night before is really important. You should have a filling dinner consisting of fish, green vegetables, and healthy carbs such as whole wheat pasta. You should also get as much sleep as you can. The ACT is a timed test so you can not afford to be dozing off in the middle of it and getting behind. It is recommended that you get at least 8 hours of sleep. Once you wake up make sure to eat something for breakfast, for example,eggs would be the most beneficial.