It’s Time To Get Involved!

Lia Ghirardi, Editor-In-Chief

Interested in getting involved at school? Or having a leadership position? Look no further than Sahuaro Student Council! Student Council is a class where students from all grades have the chance to create opportunities for other students on campus. Student Council is simply the government of the school.

What does it take to be a member? In order to join the class, you have to pass a code of conduct test. This test includes the rules of Student Council, some basic questions about Sahuaro, and questions about Student Council dress code. You have to have a certain GPA as well for certain positions. For example, if you want the leadership position of a class officer (class President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Senator) you have to maintain a 3.5 GPA. You also need to be a hard worker. As a member myself, being in Student Council is not an easy task. It takes a lot of hard work to stay on top of deadlines and get everything done properly. The final key trait you need to have is time management skills. There will be times when you have to miss other classes throughout the day, stay late nights after school, and get here at early times in the morning. With that being said, time management skills are key to being successful in Student Council and in other classes as well. Without time management skills, it will be difficult to be successful in this class.

What are the perks of being in Stuco? Being in Stuco comes with a lot of perks around campus and with staff. You get to form relationships with admin, staff, and teachers around campus which can come to great benefit to you as a student. You get viewed differently than other students. When mentioning that you are in Stuco, people tend to look at you with a different perspective. It is a nice feeling to know that people think highly of you for being a member. It also looks great on college applications! If you are someone that is interested in attending college after high school, Student Council looks great on applications and tends to get the attention of colleges. It shows you were involved with your school and set high standards for yourself. Another positive is that you get to meet new people and form a great amount of new friendships. Working in Stuco requires you to connect with students in different grades, different interests, and different skills. With that being said, you get to meet different people and form friendships from working with them. I have personally made so many new friends in Stuco, and have met some of my best friends in Student Council.

What does a typical day look like in the Student Council classroom? A typical day in Stuco is best described as busy. There is always something to do and it is impossible to be bored. The class period starts out by going into our committee groups to work on whatever project we are currently focused on. We have conversations with our team members about what needs to be worked on and what the tasks for the week are. Once everyone knows what they need to do, we split up and go to work. We work on multiple projects at once and we are constantly busy to get everything done. This is what our whole week looks like except for Thursdays. On Thursdays we have a Student Council business meeting with all of Stuco and admin. During these meetings we approve school club activities, funding for classes and clubs, chartering items, etc. During meetings, everyone is required to dress business casual and take notes on what we discuss during meetings. The typical day for a Stuco student is busy busy busy.

How do I become a member? If you are interested in joining next school year you can select student government on your elective sign up sheet. To get approved, next school year you will take the code of conduct test with Stuco advisor Mrs. Trujillo. If you are interested or want to know more information you can contact Mrs. Trujillo via email at [email protected]!