Fresh Face: Abigail Bone

Summer Campbell, Reporter

Q: “What grade are you in?”

A: “I am in 9th grade.”


Q: “How old are you?”

A: “I am fourteen years old.”


Q: “Whats your favorite subject in school?”

A: “My favorite subject at Sahuaro is English, because I like my teacher!”


Q: Do you do anything for the school such as sports, clubs, or other?”

A: “I do cheer and theater.”


Q: “Are you JV or Varsity?”

A: “I am on the varsity cheer team.”


Q: “Do you have any hobbies outside of school?”

A: “I don’t really have time to get into hobbies right now because of cheer and theater.”


Q: “Have you made any new friends since you started coming to Sahuaro?”

A: “Yeah, kind of.”


Q: “Are you enjoying Sahuaro so far?”

A: “Yes, because of the people here like my friends and some of the staff here.”


Q: “What is something you plan on doing when you’re done with high school?”

A: “Something I plan on doing would be too become a doctor or pediatrician”