Support Choir! Buy a Shirt

Ali Wood, Reporter

The Sahuaro Choir Department has started selling polo shirts! The deep navy blue polos are selling for about 2-3 weeks, for $30 each. Come get yours now! How do you purchase one? Talk to one of the concert choir students and then pay for the shirts with Ms. Emrich in the finance office. Once you do that, bring your receipt to Ms. Barnes’s choir room at any time of the day.

The shirts are being sold as an attempt to raise money for the choir classes. Raising money for the choir classes allows the groups to go on trips and travel to sing for a variety of an audience. The polos, which are vendored by Kristi Butt at Huzzah Threads, represent choir not only being a class but as a group since the polos are student-led designs. The polos are made with a soft silk material which makes the shirts extra comfortable to wear.

The choir is also selling other types of shirts from previous years. Last year’s polos sell for $20, and all other various t-shirts are $10.

Come support the Sahuaro Choir Community!