Mrs. Krieg Brings Reading To Life

Kayla Dwornik, Reporter

Do you love to read?  A new book club is coming to Sahuaro! Mrs. Krieg, the librarian, has started this club to make a comfortable space for those who love to read. This club allows the kids to read whatever they desire and meet others with the same interests. Mrs. Krieg says, “We are creating something called a “maker’s space” and in that maker’s space, we are hoping to build an area for kids to explore and do some critical thinking, like using 3D printers…We have a cricket to create tee shirts and bookmarks. Sky’s the limit! My hope is that this club will be something that the kids can help organize. I’m excited to open these doors to the kids that love to read and share about their reads!”.

There will be an informal meeting on September 26th, in the library after school if you’re interested. Maile Santos, senior, is a part of this book club and this is what she has to say about it: “Our new book club here at Sahuaro is a great space for bookworms and students who would like to get into reading. We plan to meet every week and expand our minds and thoughts as we read and get in-depth within the material. Anyone can join! I personally think this will help me build a better routine with reading books, and my head space. We do want to make this club a very open and a great way to build great bonds as this school year goes on.” For more information, you can talk to Mrs. Krieg in the library. We hope to see you all there!