Volleyball JVB Team Takes Loss

Tiena Navarro, Reporter

Saguaro Cougars girls volleyball JVB team had sadly taken a loss today on September 15, 2022, but they still kept their heads up and everybody tried their very best. They won the 1st round and lost the 2 other rounds. What I saw on the court was teamwork and good sets,  passing, and very good serving. Also, all had dedication.

Although they lost the game, they still never put their heads down and had amazing sportsmanship, and were ready to practice and play for our next game to win. I asked some players that played for the JVB how they felt while playing in the game and how they felt after the game. Carlene said, “I felt confident during the game.”  Kiley said, “I felt I could have done more in the game”, and Annabell said, “Felt like we needed to sub in different people for other players, that we needed to keep our motivation.”  The next question was how did they feel after the game was all over and Carlene said “Felt fine after the game, just the thought of defeat.”

Although they might have lost, they kept their heads up and pushed and gave their all.