Cosplay Cadet – Hannah Traher

Gabriel Davidson, Editor

An avid member of the cosplay club, Hannah Traher — a sophomore here at Sahuaro — is relatively new to their hobby. Despite this, they’ve grown to find community in the cosplay club and a safe space in Mr. Smith’s class, a microcosm of Sahuaro we can all appreciate for its warmth, enthusiasm, and diversity.

Last year, the Sahuaro Cosplay Club hosted a maid cafe during lunch, which I’ve covered more extensively in a joint article here. Those who attended might remember Hannah for their Todoroki cosplay. The proceeds of the maid cafe and other cosplay club fundraisers went to funding a trip to Tucson Comic-Con, which Hannah described as quite overwhelming, though enjoyable, having attended as Kazuha from Genshin Impact. They’ve a few cosplays under their belt, though they posit some are better from others, with one in specific they’ll “never talk about.”

Cosplaying isn’t the only hobby Hannah enjoys; being an eager gamer, they also play Rainbow Six: Siege, where they mains Ella and Buck, Call of Duty, Risk of Rain, and Minecraft. Their Genshin mains are Kazuha and Xiao. When I asked Hannah if they’d liked drawing, as the both of us shared an art class last year, they expressed that although they enjoyed learning new techniques, they had little interest in projects where they weren’t able to draw what they liked.

Being a cosplayer, you tend to learn a thing or two about fashion and sartorial choices, which Hannah no doubt has. Pinterest is their favorite app — alongside YouTube and Spotify — which they use for fit inspiration and art. Although black is a common theme in their fits, Hannah somehow always manages to make them look unique, with deft attention to their accessories and highlights.

Despite claiming they’re, “not very interesting,” Hannah exhibits a wide array of interests and pursuits and is nonetheless a pleasure to know and be around, with a plethora of endearing characteristics wrapped up into a neat package.