Queen Elizabeth II: The Longest Reigning British Monarch

Nicholas Cordova, SHS News Editor

Queen Elizabeth II was the queen of England for seventy years before her passing away peacefully of old age on September 8th, surrounded by The Royal Family. England took two weeks off of school and work in mourning, while her body took a final trip around the country.

Queen Elizabeth II married Prince Philip at the age of 21. She became the queen in 1953 at the very young age of 25. She would go on to have four children, eight grandchildren, and twelve great-grandchildren. Her children currently range in age from fifty-eight to seventy-three. The oldest of her children (King Charles III) became king two days after she passed.

When she was thirteen World War II started. In the late months of the war, at the age of nineteen, Princess Elizabeth joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service. She did this against the wishes of the rest of The Royal Family. While she never saw combat, she worked as a humble truck mechanic with the rank of Second Subaltern (the equivalent of a second lieutenant), and then about five months later she was promoted to the rank of Junior Commander (the equivalent of a Captain). After her coronation, she became head of the British Armed Forces.

During her reign, Queen Elizabeth II traveled to one hundred and seventeen countries. This makes her one of if not the most well-traveled world leaders in history. She was the first female member of the royal family to join the military as a full-time active member. She met thirteen U.S. presidents during her reign. Her coronation was the first to be broadcasted live. She did many amazing things in her long life and the entire world is mourning her death. May Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace.