Farewell Mrs. Stedman!

Lia Ghirardi, Editor-In-Chief

Among the many teachers leaving Sahuaro, is our beloved Avid teacher Mrs. Stedman. Stedman has been at Sahuaro for 8 years, but is now moving onto the next chapter in her life…retirement! Mrs.Stedman has been teaching for 32 years. 29 of them were spent teaching various subjects of math, and 3 were spent teaching the Avid program.

Teaching for 32 years has given Mrs. Stedman the opprotunity to form relationships with students and a plethora of memories, so what are some moments that she won’t forget? “One of  my favorite memories is the teacher competitions during the pep rallies.” Although Mrs.Stedman has always been the teacher, she expresses that students have been able to teach her a lot as well. “Students can teach me just as much as I can teach them.”

Now that her time at Sahuaro is coming to an end, Mrs. Stedman has to figure out what to do with all of this time on her hands. She plans on spending more time with her family and more time for herself. Mrs. Stedman wants to do a lot of eating and sleeping, but she also plans on continuing to do various kinds of voulunteer work.

Although Stedman will be leaving Sahuaro, she isn’t letting that stop all of the bonds she has created. She still plans to be involved in students’ lives and keep communication with past students. When asked what she will miss the most about teaching, she says, “Definitely all of the hugs…I love my kids.” Mrs.Stedman’s final advice for students is to “Move like it’s friday,” and to her colleagues she says: “Sorry for your loss.”

As a previous student of Mrs. Stedman, I can say with confidence that she was one of the best teachers I have ever had. Not only on an academic level, but a personal level as well. Thank you Mrs. Stedman for all you have done and all that you continue to do. Cheers to a happy retirement!

To the class of 2022…