Changing the World One Project at a Time: Mr. Rutherford’s Action Plan

Jenifer Urzua

Over the course of the year, biology teacher Mitchell Rutherford has had us work on unique and incredible assignments. For this particular assignment, we are focusing on bettering the world, based on the book “Regeneration” and a website that lists challenges, or possible project ideas for the students.

First semester, Rutherford had us focus on ourselves and our health by pushing us to be better and doing assignments such as my favorite “Bad Habits,” where we choose 3 bad habits that we usually do and replace them with healthy ones. It was a little challenging at first, because we all have bad habits that we are used to doing every day, and changing your routine all of a sudden isn’t easy. Thanks to his help, we were able to change them. However, now he has us focusing on how to improve the world. We did assignments to help climate change using the same website.

He originally started his project “Regeneration”  two years ago, when we all went on the pandemic after spring break. He wanted us to learn something simple but reflective to do in the pandemic. Since we were all home with nothing to do he saw the perfect opportunity.

For this assignment, we need to pick a topic or an idea that addresses the problems in the world today. We need to research a developed plan, an outreach plan to share with friends and family, and write a final report to conclude the assignment.

My action plan will be to waste less food, eat more plants, and save more water. Of course, this is going to be a challenge since I take a while in the shower but I think I’ll be able to complete it.

Mr. Rutherford encourages his kids to share this assignment. “I hope students take these ideas and solutions to their families as something hopeful and positive, where they can make adjustments with their families to be more aware of things and what they can do to make an impact instead of worrying,” he says.