The Woman Who Makes Room 212 So Special: Ms. Krause

Kasia Jackson, Editor

Showing spirit with fellow English teachers

The most captivating aspect of Ms. Krause is walking into room 212 with her joyous greeting that makes you excited to start the day, while viewing her classroom walls plastered with student art. This classroom definitely has a homey feel to it. Students from all 21 years of her teaching have left their mark upon the classroom walls: handprints, quotes, drawings, paintings, and more. Each student who passes through her classroom is in awe of the artwork. I often hear classmates mention that they found their older sibling’s handprint or drawing.

Well, the graduating senior class of 2022 will most likely be the last class to be in awe of her room, due to her leaving Sahuaro after this school year. Ms. Krause said, “This classroom is filled with memories…it’s a reminder of students who have passed through here.” She mentioned every time she sees a name or a handprint, she gets those reminders and she misses them.

Another thing Ms. Krause is going to miss is Sahuaro as a whole. “I made good friends. I’ll miss the camaraderie…I’ll miss the students.” With being at Sahuaro for 21 years she has definitely made her mark, and her colleagues and students believe so too. Larissa McWhirter, a senior and current student of Ms. Krause said, “Ms. Krause’s class has not only been an amazing way to come back from Covid-19, but an amazing class to prepare us seniors for the challenges of college we have yet to face.” Sierra Blaser, also a senior and a current student of Ms. Krause stated, “I’ve really loved having Ms. Krause’s class this year. I feel like I’ve redeveloped my love for reading, which I started to lose during the pandemic.”

A former English teacher, Mrs. Hughes, who is good friends with Krause said, “I worked with Ms. Krause for almost 20 years, and she taught both of my daughters in AP English.  They both say they learned so much from her, and she really prepared them for college.  As a colleague, I could always count on her to challenge the directives from the state and district so that we could find solutions and do what is best for kids.  She was a fierce advocate for teachers and active in the state trying to secure proper funding for our public schools.  I will always remember her dancing with Mr. Hislope, entertaining us all.  She has been an amazing member of the English department and Sahuaro will miss her!”

English AP Teachers, Hislope and Krause
Bonding with Lange, Watters, and Christian

Mrs. Watters, AP Language, AP Government, and Sophomore English teacher said, “Ms. Krause is amazing in every way! She has helped countless staff members through the years, not to mention the lasting impact she has had on students – my own kid included. She embodies the true spirit of active kindness.

Just a Younger Version Of Shelley

Even if her teaching position is filled, she will never be replaced.” Mrs. Watters also shared some great memories, saying, “Ms. Krause caught a chicken that had been let loose in the lower 200 hallway and made a little home for it in our English office until someone took it home at the end of the day. Another was how she inspired students with her senior project assignment. Over the years, she had students create log sculptures, make cookbooks, create mosaics and murals, compose songs, design and sew prom dresses, pursue career internships, etc. Whatever students set out to do, she wholeheartedly supported them and gave them the guidance to accomplish their projects.”

Ms. Lange has worked down the hall from Ms. Krause for almost 20 years.  “Shelley is the voice of reason.  When we are all sitting in PD, and all of us are thinking something, she is the one who actually says it, and she says it eloquently and with passion.  Everyone on campus, from admin down, has the greatest respect for her.  Someone will takeover her room, someone will take over her classes, but no one can replace her.  I’m excited for her to start a new chapter in her life, and I wish Shelley the best of everything.  Love that woman!”

Mr. Ryan Smith says, “Ms. Krause has been a mentor to me during my time here at Sahuaro. I came into the English Department full of uncertainty and doubt as to my abilities as a teacher.  It was Ms. Krause who helped guide me through my first year, and even through today, as she has been a great source of knowledge and encouragement. I have grown as a teacher with her guidance and help. I am going to miss her greatly.”

Krause teaches AP Literature and Mexican American Literature, enjoying both dearly. “In AP Literature we can talk about things on an adult level (because it’s seniors),” she said. She also mentioned that there is not too much of a focus on grammar but is more literature based, which she enjoys. “It’s fun teaching.”  She continued, “With Mexican American, people choose the class because they want to be in it, which makes it interesting.” The students in her Mexican American Literature class who are Mexican teach her about their heritage, which is another aspect of the class that she loves.

Ms. Krause has spent her entire teaching career at Sahuaro, except when she did her student teaching it Sitka, Alaska. She described the city as very small and that everyone knew everyone. It could only be accessed by ferry or plane, but that would only be visitors and they never stayed too long. At the school she worked at, she knew all the students as there were only 79 kids in one of the graduating classes – which is quite shocking to hear, especially as a Sahuaro student.

Ms. Krause said, “I’m not ready to retire yet.” Retirement isn’t the cause of Ms. Krause’s departure from Sahuaro. She will be transferring her awesome teaching abilities to the online school, Tucson Unified Virtual Academy (TUVA). Family means a lot to Ms. Krause and is one of the main factors for her moving to virtual teaching. “My kids and my mom all live in different states,” she stated. She would like to be able to teach from other places, “without having to take too much time off of work… to help them if they need me.”

Even though teaching is something that Ms. Krause is great at, it wasn’t always a passion of hers. Before becoming a teacher, she was a legal assistant, “I had a career change (to become a teacher)… I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it.” However, she fell in love with teaching and began to do it ever since. She said she likes the relationships she was able to form with students and “meet people of different walks in life…every year you get a new batch of different groups of people.” She described teaching as something that “doesn’t get boring.”

Aside from all things teaching-related, she loves “music, reading, cooking, and building things.” She said, “My most recent build was a bed and a headboard from recycled fence planks. Next on the list is building a matching night stand since I have more wood left.” She also loves to travel a lot. About 8 years ago she and her family did the Camino De Santiago in Spain, which is a 500-mile hiking route.  She described it as one of the most “unique experiences… I loved (visiting) London, Greece… Spain sticks with me. It was a very different experience. It was the first time in my life where everyone was equal.” She expressed that it didn’t matter your race, religion, or nationality because everyone’s focus was this hike. She also mentioned that the support system on this hike was amazing. “Spain stands out as a favorite place.” Pictures of Krause’s traveling adventures:

  • Waterfall in Iceland

  • Toti the Puffin from a trip to Iceland

  • The Compostela is the document you get when you do the Camino de Santiago – Michaelam Annam is Latin for Shelley Ann (or as close as they can get).

  • On the Camino you follow randomly placed yellow arrows to tell you where to go.

  • The family in Italy.

  • Street fun in Florence, Italy.

  • Covid hobbies – recycling old wood into new things.

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Ms. Krause concluded the interview stating, “Shoutout to my English colleagues. Keep on keeping on. They’re great. My leaving isn’t going to hurt the department.” We appreciate Ms. Krause and the people and students she impacted during her time here at Sahauro. We will miss her dearly and wish her the best on her future endeavors at TUVA.