Speech Therapist By Day… Puppy Whisperer By Night: Ms. Whitfield

Lia Ghirardi, Editor-In-Chief

You know that feeling of serotonin when holding a small animal? That feeling is a daily occurrence for Sahuaro’s Speech Therapist, Ms. Whitfield. Ms. Whitfield has been working at Sahuaro for 9 years, but that’s not all. After a long day here at school, she goes home to her foster animals. Ms. Whitfield has been fostering puppies and kittens for 9 years and counting. Whenever the Humane Society has an animal in need,  she takes them into her home and takes care of them until they reach 8 weeks old or 3 pounds. “At 8 weeks or 3 pounds…that’s when they are eligible to be adopted.”

So what type of animals does Ms. Whitfield foster? “I only foster puppies and kittens because it is what fits my lifestyle.” When asked why she started fostering, Ms. Whitfield replied: “Because there’s such a need for foster homes for animals…”

Currently, Ms. Whitfield is fostering a 2-week old pup named Nova. She plans to keep the pup until it is 8 weeks old then Nova will be all set for adoption.

Depending on the time of year, Ms. Whitfield will foster kittens as well. “There’s a puppy season and a kitty season… right now we are going into kitty season.” Depending on the time of year determines what the Humane Society has more of a general need for.

When talking to Ms. Whitfield she expressed great love for animals. “I love being able to foster… it feels as though I am able to do my part to help in the community.”

Not only does Ms.Whitfield foster animals, but in the past, she has fostered young children as well. She has 2 children of her own and then fostered 3 kids until they got adopted or brought back into a safe home environment. “It was so wonderful… it was really a wonderful opportunity.”

Ms.Whitfield is one of great help to our community. She encourages you to do all you can to do your part. “I love being able to help, it makes me feel like I am doing good.”