Walk in PSA: Come Support LGBTQ+ Here at Sahuaro on April 1st

Meet in the Grassy Area that Faces Camino Seco.

Kasia Jackson, Editor

Alais Alzaga, a senior, is rallying up people to come support the LGBTQ+ community on a national walkout that is taking place on April 1st here at Sahuaro. Alzaga is on a mission to make sure everyone is included. “Anyone can come show support,” she said. Alzaga would like people to bring posters and pride flags to this walk-in, if possible. If not, your presence does just enough. By abiding by Principal Estrella’s rule, Sahauro students will be allowed to do a walk-in instead of a walkout (for safety precautions) that starts at 8:00 am and ends at 8:30 am. The meet-up spot for this walk-in will be in the grassy area that faces Camino Seco (typically where we have our fire drills).

This walkout serves to protest the “Don’t Say Gay” bill that is being passed in Florida, which prevents “classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in the state’s primary schools” according to NBC News. The plan of the walkout began with a Tik Tok, to take a stand with LGBTQ+ youth. This post gained popularity and pushed a movement for this national walkout. The LQBTQ+ youth need to have a community of trusted adults, which may not be their parents, to confide in with any issues they experience with their sexuality. School should be considered a second home for students. It should be a place where they feel they can be themselves and feel included, whereas in other environments they may not be able to. That’s why members and fellow allies are taking a stand and walking out on April 1st. Come and show your support!

Here is the discord server about this national walkout https://discord.gg/5U7eK9MB