Senior Spotlight ft. Myla Cavanaugh!

Aspen Lenox, reporter

Lights, curtains, action! It’s Myla Cavanaugh’s last stretch of senior year here at Sahuaro High School, and she’s ready to move on. Myla is in advanced drama and has been in drama since middle school. She joined up because of her big sister, and hasn’t looked back. In the next play coming up in theater “Our Life” Myla has a small part on stage but behind the scenes is where Myla really shines, working on lights, sound, and stage management. With the light booth, it was a preset sub-master that Mr. Austin set up and learned all by himself, the que to know when to que the lights and all she has to do is listen for the actors. She likes tech because “It’s less stress and I don’t have to memorize as many things.” With stage management, she helps all the actors know blocking and she helps run props to actors and put the bigger props in their place, as well as marking for props and people.

Myla also is a student director for the beginning drama and is putting on her own one-act! It is titled “How to Ruin a Promposal”.  When asked why Myla chose this one act she said, “I was supposed to be in the play my sophomore year but because of Covid we couldn’t, so I wanted a little nostalgia moment.” The play is a comedy about a group of high schoolers trying to have the perfect prom and the best dates.

Besides the theater, Myla likes to draw and go thrifting. She likes to draw space and flowers the most. Myla is balancing a job at Canyon’s Crown, school, being in a play, and running a play. This senior has it all figured out!