NHS Sponsors Much Needed Blood Drive

Jenifer Urzua, Reporter

With the American Red Cross facing its worst blood shortage in over a decade, NHS (National Honor Society), took over this year’s blood drive from Student Council, hosting it in the gym on March 8, with the goal to encourage people to donate blood and gather as much blood as they can. 

NHS is an organization with seniors and juniors who show exceptional scholarship, leadership, service, and character and are willing to participate in community service.

NHS Senior president, Mia Bella Sainz, coordinated everything. Sahuaro students were praised for their generosity, “You can say it’s happening and people run over to get their permission slips. I barely have to sponsor it,” says Mr. Rutherford, who is the sponsor. “Having people at lunch go around asking others, personally, really helped get the message out,” says Mia. It was certainly welcoming, seeing all the happy faces. Never would you think something happy and welcoming involves needles, but it was. Many kids had huge smiles on their faces.

The event was hosted at the gym,  with little snacks for donors and a place for them to sit down, and relax. They keep the AC really cold to keep donors more alert since they certainly don’t want people passing out. After people give blood, they have to chill out for a while, and not do excessive exercise for a day or two.

There were approximately 40 people who donated, although with big organizations come challenges. Many people signed up then later changed their minds or had difficulty getting their permission slips. Mia says it was a little confusing and hard with people who are 18. When students are 18, they don’t need a permission slip and can sign up the day of the blood drive, which brings a little more stress to the organization.  

According to the American Red Cross, there has been a 62% drop in college and high school blood drives due to the pandemic. Student donors accounted for ~25% of donors in 2019, but accounted for just ~10% during the pandemic.

This doesn’t take much of your time and you can save many lives!