AVID Travels To ASU

Lia Ghirardi, Editor-In-Chief

This past Friday, Mrs. Stedman took the sophomores and juniors of the AVID program to ASU to tour and learn about the campus. When asked why ASU was chosen for the students, Mrs. Stedman replied, “It is close enough to home, but far enough away to where the students feel they have independence.”

The day was full of valuable information. When we arrived at the campus, we were greeted by a student tour guide. From there we went into a classroom to receive information about the college, the college lifestyle, and the steps we as students need to take during high school to properly prepare ourselves for the next level of education. The student tour guides presented us with a PowerPoint, guiding us through the basics of being a college student. When the presentation was finished, the guides took some time to do a Q and A where students could ask anything about college. “The Q and A had a lot of valuable information…I learned a lot about the business major program there and what to do to prepare for the next level,” says junior Jasline Gomez on her experience of the trip.

From there, all of us students got split up into 2 groups and we went our separate ways to tour parts of the campus. In my group, our leader was Sophie, a sophomore at ASU. She took us all around campus and showed us some of her favorite spots to study and/or relax. We went to places such as the campus gym, a technology lab, a reptile science building, and a “secret” garden. One of my personal favorite places we got to see was the garden. It was quiet, calm, tucked away, and a perfect place for some photo opportunities. 

When the tour was complete, students were given a survey to fill out based on their experience of the tour. Students were asked about how they liked the campus, how they liked the tour specifically, and what they learned about ASU.

Overall, the trip to ASU was a positive experience with a lot of valuable information. If you have any questions in regards to ASU or how to go take a tour contact Mrs.Stedman @[email protected].