What’s New With Sahuaro’s Orchestra Program?

Lia Ghirardi, Editor

This past Wednesday, the orchestra program had a musical workshop with Juilliard alum Mark Wood, a classically trained musician who even created his own instrument called the Viper. The Viper is an instrument that is a mix between a bass, cello, viola, and violin.

Wood came to Sahuaro showing great enthusiasm and was ready to teach the orchestra students more than they already knew.

He started by individually working with each section of the orchestra on their part in the song they were currently practicing. Wood really emphasized with students to be enthusiastic. He had students bounce their feet to the beat, do little dances in-between notes, and lift their bows on beat pauses. Wood also worked with students to get them prepared for the concert they were having the following day.

Senior Alex Herman is a cello player and has been in the orchestra program since her freshman year. She made comments on what it was like working with Mark Wood and preparing for the orchestra concert. “…I just had to say it was amazing. He’s a really good composer and it was a big opportunity for us to experience that. It was a little hectic I have to say (the orchestra concert). We performed with all the middle schools here and Sabino, so all of us together was hectic. We only played one song together so that is the only part that was a bit crazy. It was really nice to see all the other students and the middle schools, they sounded amazing. I think it all went well and was a big opportunity to have and experience.”

The orchestra program is always looking for new members. Whether you are new, intermediate, or advanced, take a look into Sahuaro’s orchestra program! For more information contact instructor Mr. Marrs or go visit the class in the fine arts building.