The Re-Emergence of Homecoming Royalty
The nominees of this years homecoming awaiting results on the football field.
October 25, 2021
Homecoming is one of the most well-known and exciting things about high school. In just about every coming-of-age movie, the title of homecoming king and queen is what everyone seeks to have. Unfortunately for Cougars this year, we were unable to have a homecoming dance, but worry not – we are still nominating and crowning homecoming royalty.

The voting process took place on Tuesday, October 19th, and Wednesday, October 20th during both lunches.
There have been many complications and issues regarding the school activities being put on this year, but Student Council has come through with the opportunity to crown a lucky duo who wants to try their luck in the popularity poll.
The nominees for each class are:
Trevor McEntaffer & Alex Vales
Gwen Bess & Maddie Eaton
Maile Santos & Fatima Gorope
Cesia Salazar & Titus Palmer
Dinorah Lagarda & Nick Pondes
Marcie Varley & Chet Wilson
Mckenna Maddock & Aidan Moat
Aria Lujan & Civana Halsey
Surprisingly, a few of the pairs running are not couples, but just good friends who want the exciting titles. Senior nominees Trevor McEntaffer and Alex Vales have spoken about how they are simply good friends who decided to run together. “It was brought up that people thought we would be able to win as friends, so Alex and I decided to throw our names in as friends the period before nominations and that’s how it came to be!” says Trevor. The other senior nominees, Gwen Bess and Maddie Eaton are also running as friends, making the senior nominee ‘couples’ just a running test of which friendship will win.
Senior Trevor McEntaffer said, in regard to why he decided to run this year, “I realized that I really have not gone to many football games or any school event for that matter. I want to try and have the most fun possible with this being my last year!”
While Sophomore Marcie Varley said she decided to run because “It was my first year back so I wanted to try the new things high school has to offer.”

The team played against Buckeye Union High School, and the crowning of the winning royalty was announced on Friday, October 22nd at the Homecoming football game during halftime.
On Friday night, the winners of Homecoming King and Queen were awarded to…
Seniors Trevor & Alex, Juniors Titus & Cesia, Sophomores Dinorah & Nick, and Freshmen Aria & Civana!
Congratulations to all of the winners this year, and congratulations to all the nominees for their consideration!
A big shout out to Student Council as well, as this would not be possible without them.