Help Support PACC Today!

Lia Ghirardi, Editor

PACC needs your help! Have any used towels just laying around your house? Donate them to animals in need.

The Avid department here at Sahuaro has organized a towel drive to donate to PACC. You might be thinking “Well what is PACC and why should I support it?” PACC is an acronym for Pima Animal Care Center here in Tucson. They take care of and shelter all kinds of animals.

Currently, the shelter is in need of towels for the animals and our Avid director Ms. Stedman and Avid tutor Macobeigh Bradley decided to step up with the Avid classes and help out. “We were doing a what can you do to make a difference in your community project and more than one group wanted to help animals and that is when we decided we wanted to reach out to PACC to see what we could do to help,” says Ms.Bradley.

Ms.Stedman currently has a collection section in her room (222) and is taking towel donations until October 8th. PACC is asking for normal sized and breath sized towels to be able to accommodate all of the animals in need. You may be wondering why out of all supplies the shelter needs towels, and it’s because: “There was a disease outbreak and they can’t reuse the towels they already have because just washing them would not get rid of the infectious disease and they are in need of a lot of towels,” says Ms.Bradley.

Avid has currently collected 36 towels, but is still accepting more. Help our community by taking the step and donating your old and used towels! It is a good way to recycle and you’re helping out locally. Support PACC today.

For more information on the towel drive and how you can help, email Avid director Ms.Stedman. @[email protected]

** Even though the drive ends on October 8 – we will still keep accepting donations, so please donate!