Sahuaro’s Newest Christmas Fanatic – Kristen Biddle

Kristen Biddle

Ms. Biddle’s first day here at Sahuaro

Sierra Ayers, Reporter

After teaching for 11 years at Sunnyside along with 3 years of AVID, one Kristen Biddle has migrated to the English department here at Sahuaro.

Kristen Biddle, born in Texas and raised as the child of a military family, has officially joined the Cougar family and could not be happier. Although not a rookie teacher, she is full of life and enthusiasm for the upcoming year. Teaching freshmen coming out of a pandemic could not be an easy feat, but Ms. Biddle comes in with fervor and positive vibes.

Ms. Biddle and her mother (Kristen Biddle)

Ms. Biddle is the mother of two beautiful dogs, both West Highland terriers, named Skye (8) and Bella (2). She has visited many places due to her family’s military background, her favorite being Hawaii.

She attended Pima Community College right out of high school for her associates, then the University of Arizona for her English degree (though previously attending for education), and finally attended the University of Phoenix to get her master’s degree in Education.

“Nothing else ever felt right,” says Ms. Biddle regarding why she chose to teach. “I love a lot of things but teaching was just the natural thing.”

From even just a simple conversation with her, you can really tell how eager she is about what she does. How she extends a hand out to those who need it, helping to push her students to become the best version of themselves that they can be. Although teaching was not something she intended to do from the start, it is something she always had an inkling she would do. Growing up, she didn’t love reading, but she loved the art of English. Biddle felt drawn towards teaching but had no idea which subject and her friend was actually the one to bring up the idea of teaching English.

Ms. Biddle writing on an easel as a child, something she loved to do. (Kristen Biddle)

She stated, “I love seeing that lightbulb go off. I love being able to instill in them not just academics because it’s more than academics… it’s life.”

Being forced to move around a lot as a child, she wasn’t brought up with the best guidance or education. Her educational upbringing was not all bad, but it certainly wasn’t leading her on the road to wanting to go into education.

Ms. Biddle has some very fascinating hobbies and obsessions, one, in particular, being weightlifting. She is an avid weightlifter and cross-fit member, hitting the gym whenever she needs to let off some steam or just for the fun of it. She is even a part of cross-fit classes and enjoys keeping active, working out whenever she can.

She is also an extreme lover of Christmas, going as far as to accessorize her room every year with crazy amounts of decor. She expressed her love for the holiday, owning various amounts of Christmas earrings, leggings, and an insane amount of lights. She actually owns 110 pairs of Christmas socks and intends to collect even more.

Through her engaging and captivating stories, you can learn just about anything about her by simply engaging in a conversation. She is extremely welcoming and always has something to talk about, so feel free to stop by her classroom in room 210! You won’t regret it.