Introducing Mr. Griffin: A New Addition to the Math Department

Gabriel Davidson, Reporter

A University of Arizona alumni, Mr. Griffin, first became enamored with teaching when reciting his master’s oral exam, where his professors convinced him to live the life of an educator.  When asked about why he chose to teach algebra specifically, Mr. Griffin stated that, “… there’s a lot of analysis to [keep] the mind busy.” Algebra, he explained, is the gateway to calculus and probability, a respectable foot-in-the-door.

As for classroom philosophy, Mr. Griffin categorizes himself as a lenient teacher who sees people for who they could be. “All students can learn,” Mr. Griffin said. “It just takes a little extra for others.” Making sure students can come up with alternative perspectives to a hit-or-miss subject is one of Mr. Griffin’s many goals he sets for himself. He intersperses his lectures with dialogues on success, hoping one day that his students might become mathematically literate, and even a part of the one percent.

Having taught at Pima, which he recalled being accepted as a teacher only 20-or-so minutes after graduating with his master’s, Mr. Griffin explained that he enjoyed teaching high school students much more than college students. He elaborates that the personality of the former has yet to fully take form, while the latter is often already molded and everlasting.

When asked if there’s a class he would teach in lieu of algebra, Mr. Griffin chose Classical Film Theory, where his hypothetical students would watch movies like Casa Blanca, King Kong, and other old movies and classics. But before he began teaching, or even going to university, Mr. Griffin served in the army. While not discussing much of his service, his key takeaway was that the military makes one appreciative of school. Beyond school, Mr. Griffin likes to golf, hike, and do yoga.

In concluding the interview, Mr. Griffin said that overall, he’s glad to be at Sahuaro.