Meet Your 2021-2022 Student Body President and Vice President

Jenna Timms

Emma and Jenna welcome back teachers for the 2021-2022 school year!

Krystal Orehek, Editor

Behind all the pep rallies, dances, and spirit weeks is the hard work of Sahuaro’s student council. Ever since freshman year, Jenna Timms and Emma Dyson have been helping to light up the school, and four years later, they are now your Student Body President and Vice President!

Jenna at a pep rally her sophmore year! (Emma Dyson)

After striking a deal freshman year to run together, the two girls have long been preparing to run for their positions. Now that they’ve finally reached their goal they’re ready to rule the school, though that doesn’t come without its hardships. “You have to hold yourself up to a standard because it’s a really big responsibility, (…) It’s pressure but it’s also stress,” Jenna explained.

Emma also included that, “It’s more stressful than anything because everyone’s calling your name all the time and asking you questions and it’s like, you don’t want to let them down.” Despite the stress, Jenna and Emma’s biggest focus this school year is bringing together the student body after being separated for so long. They think school and the events are better when everyone wants to be there and have a good time together, hence, their hopes to reconnect us.

Get to know Jenna and Emma with some quick questions!

Q: What’s your favorite school event?

Emma: “I like winter formal or pep rallies. Pep rallies are a pain to plan, but they’re really fun.”

Jenna: “Pep rallies are my favorite too!”

Q: If you were on death row what would be your last meal?

Jenna: “Breadsticks and…” Unfortunately, Jenna was having a really hard time picking her last meal, so this is as far as we got.

Emma: “It’s so basic but I’d have chicken fettuccine alfredo with breadsticks. I get a dessert, right? (…) I’d have a chocolate molten lava cake with vanilla ice cream!”

Q: If you had three wishes what would they be? 

Jenna: “That I could fly, I could buy my mom her dream house, I could discover the whole ocean so I wouldn’t be scared to go in it.”

Emma: “World peace, to be really really rich, and that I could read minds.”

Q: What’s your favorite song?

Jenna: Write This Down by George Strait

Emma: Chain by Fleetwood Mac

Jenna Timms

Interested in joining Student Council and running for Student Body President and Vice President with your bestie? Here’s some advice from Jenna and Emma: “Honestly I would say make a lot of friends. In Student Council the more friends you have, the more people you can get involved. (…) Definitely go to all of the things you can, go to dances, go to games, because it’ll help you see what the school is like and all the positive attributes it has and that’ll help you understand Student Council so much better.” Emma also encourages connecting with your peers so you can make decisions that would benefit the student body and not just yourself. She also thinks connecting with faculty is important too. “I think a big thing is that you have to be willing to go out and talk to people, talk to teachers and faculty and students. It’s scary, but then once you do it it’s not so scary.”