Colorado Mesa’s Very Own Ronaldo – Lucas Fulginiti

Mei Dotzler, Reporter

Graduating in less than just 2 weeks, Lucas Fulginiti’s got it all figured out.

With aspirations of making it big, Lucas has been accepted into a Division 2 school called Colorado Mesa University, located in the hub of Colorado, Grand Junction. “I chose CMU because I went on a campus tour and fell in love with it and they made me feel very welcome. It was like I was at home,” Lucas says. Known for their prestigious technical programs and vast range of majors, he plans to study Exercise Science and Athletic Training in hopes of becoming a trainer/therapist for a pro-athletic team. “I love soccer and I wanted to find a way to stay on the field if I couldn’t go pro, so I decided that I liked the idea of training and making workouts for the athletes, that way I can still be a part of the sports that I love.”

In the meantime, Lucas plans to play soccer for Colorado Mesa’s Club Team, inevitably trying out for the college team his sophomore year. Soccer has cemented itself into his life from a young age, watching his brother on the field and instantly falling in love with the sport. “I wanted to pursue a career of my own and be the best I could be.”

Graduating is surely bittersweet, the last 4 years of your life spent in the same environment with familiar faces. Lucas said, “I’m most excited for the ability to have more freedom and live on my own. I can make my own decisions.”

“Some of my best high school memories are just sitting at lunch with my friends and being clowns together. I really liked playing sports and making friends with all the players, and playing soccer with all my friends. I made varsity all 4 years.”

Despite the un-ideal senior year, Lucas is optimistic for the very end. “The highlight of this year will definitely be having an actual graduation and seeing all the people I’ve grown up with throughout these last few years together.”

Best of luck in Colorado Lucas! Sahuaro was immensely fortunate to have you here with us, and we only wish you the best. We’ll make sure to look for you in the big leagues in these upcoming years.