AP Bootcamp and Freshman Academy: What You Need To Know

Jordan Myers, Reporter

This summer, Sahuaro will be hosting both AP Bootcamp and Freshman Academy.

AP Bootcamp is a specialized camp for students either currently taking an AP class or those who are interested in taking one in the future.

In this program, students learn specific skills and strategies to help them be more successful in their AP classes. Mr. Rutherford, who is involved in AP Bootcamp this year says that “helpful tips and tricks pertaining to mindset, motivation, how to study more effectively, how to read and learn faster, in general how to make school easier and faster for anyone” will be the kind of curriculum provided in this program. “We’ll talk about organization, college, and future careers and how to do well on tough tests like ACT as well,” he added.

AP Bootcamp is a free class running from June 14th to June 25th from 8am to 2pm on school campus. It will be taught by Mr. Rutherford, Dr. Collingwood, and Ms. Lange.  There isn’t a strong deadline, but it is encouraged for kids to be signed up by June 10th at the latest.

Click here for registration form.

Freshman Academy is for incoming Freshmen from schools surrounding Sahuaro.  This is a great program that prepares students for what the next year holds and those who do attend will receive an elective credit. Assistant Principal Ms. Suess says, “Freshmen will receive helpful tools and strategies to help them be successful on our campus. Anyone who attends the entire session of Freshman Academy will receive a .5 elective credit while meeting new friends and having fun.”

Freshman Academy runs from June 2 – June 30 and is from 8 am to 12 pm.

Please email [email protected] if you know someone who is interested.

Have a great summer Cougars!💃