Goodbye to Our Mother, Ms. Hubbard

Nathalia Valdez, Editor in Chief

Ms. Hubbard (left) and BFF Ms. Trujillo (on right)

Half of us know Ms. Hubbard as the sweet teacher that waits outside her class and smiles at everyone that walks by, the other half knows her as Ms. Trujillo’s campus bff 4 life. “I wont know what to do without her,” laughs Ms. Trujillo. “I’m gonna have to stick to Mr. Rutherford now…” she jokes.

Ms. Anne Hubbard has accepted a new Clinical Research job in Gilbert AZ. “Not only is it a great opportunity, it’s also closer to my family,” she says. Ms. Hubbard is originally from Gilbert and is excited to go back to her home town. She hopes to return to school later on, and earn her PHD. Although teaching was never originally in her plans, Ms. Hubbard admits it’s one of the best decisions she’s ever made. “I quit my job in physical therapy because I wanted something new and better. I was just looking at job listings one day, when I came across this position, and I thought, why not? Lets give it a shot,” she admits.

Who would’ve thought Ms. Hubbard would become one of the most loved and appreciated teachers at Sahuaro. I know it’s improper of me to add my personal opinion into an article, but as a former student of Ms. Hubbard, I wanted to wish her the best, and tell her I’ll forever treasure our class trip to GCU! It was one of the best experiences of my high school career, but I won’t go on about it any longer because what happens at GCU stays at GCU HAHA…

Senior, Tommy Cullop, says, “I had her as my teacher my first year at Sahuaro. She came my second semester of Biology after we had countless substitutes. The semester I had her, she was really engaging and a joy to be around. It’s unfortunate to see her go, but I know she’ll do great things in time to come.” Junior, Malachi Hatfield, would like Ms. Hubbard to know that “She’s the reason science is my favorite subject. Ms. Hubbard is constantly making our learning experiences super fun, and I appreciate her.” Her current TA Ryan McClung says, “Ms. Hubbard is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. She makes her class fun and teaches in a certain way so that everyone really wants to be there!”

“I promised to come down to Tucson to visit Ms. Trujillo once in a while…” says Ms. Hubbard, while she relaxes in Ms. Trujillo’s office. If you’ve ever met Ms. Hubbard (or read a previous article about her) you’d know she’s in a band! Although they aren’t currently performing anywhere, she is still in contact with them and regularly meets up to play with them. She plans on staying in touch and eventually performing again!

“The best part of teaching, and being at Sahuaro was definitely watching everyone grow and learn, I love to see everyone so comfortable and getting along in the class, oh – and also the dissections,” she laughs. “I want all my former and present students to know they’re super cool, and thank you for teaching me along the way!” We wish you the best from everyone at Sahuaro, and hope to see you in our future!