Your Favorite Future Journalist: Amanda Mourelatos

Lia Ghirardi, Reporter

Future Rolling Stone journalist? Amanda Mourelatos is a fantastic fit!
Senior Amanda Mourelatos is a gifted and beloved writer here at The Paper Cut. “My one goal in life is to help people through my writing. Whether it’s through teaching the importance of flossing your teeth, or helping people mourn over a lost loved one, that’s what I want to do.”

So when did Amanda take an interest into writing? “Honestly I’ve loved writing ever since I can remember…I loved writing stories when I was younger, and those stories became articles over time. I love writing about anything, but my favorite articles to write are those focused on entertainment and arts.”

Amanda has been a contributor to The Paper Cut since her freshman year. Throughout the years, Amanda has written countless articles, and not just for The Paper Cut. “My best article would probably be not one that I’ve written for The Paper Cut, but the article I wrote for The Chronicle during the U of A’s Journalism Workshop. It was about local businesses and what they’re doing to limit their use of single use products such as plastic straws, plates, cups, anything that is just thrown away after use. I took so much time on that article and I had so many amazing people helping me make it the best article it could be.”

With writing comes inspiration, whether that be from a person or other articles, being inspired is a very important factor to writing. “I don’t really have any specific writers or journalists I look up to, but Ms. Lange has been there for me since day one. She’s pushed me and inspired me to be the best writer I can be and the best leader for The Paper Cut. She has always challenged me to push my writing boundaries and that has made me the writer I am today.”

The possibilities are endless when it comes to writing. Most writers have specific people that they dream of interviewing, so who comes to mind for Amanda? “I would want to interview the members of AJR. I’ve reviewed almost all of their albums and they’re true artists. Their writing is so unique and I’d love to know their exact thought process behind each of the songs that have gotten me through life.”

Although Amanda is an extrodinary writer, she has way more to her! Throughout her time at Sahuaro, Amanda has been heavily involved in extra curriculars. “I also played soccer for 3 years, played snare drum in marching band and drumline for all 4 years, and participated in NHS.” Outside of school, if Amanda isn’t working, she is spending time with her family, watching Netflix, painting, studying, or shopping.

The future is bright for Amanda no matter what she decides to do, so what are her plans? “After high school I will be attending the University of Arizona to major in Journalism (of course). On top of that, I’m shooting to be a writer for the Daily Wildcat to continue doing what I love. My goal is to find an internship at a news station or a magazine to gain experience, then become a writer from there. My goal is to be an entertainment writer for a paper like the Rolling Stone, Kerrang!, Pitchfork, or something like that.”

Amanda has been able to create countless memories at The Paper Cut. “I have SO many memories from being in The Paper Cut. I don’t have a favorite exactly, but I will definitely miss making penut butter and jelly sandwiches with my new friends, interviewing students and staff about their passions and their lives, and seeing the reactions people have from MY writing. It’s amazing how much our articles mean to some people.”

Amanda has had such a major impact to all of us here at The Paper Cut. The Paper Cut family loves you and wishes you the best of luck in your journalism career!