March 8, 2016 Site Council Minutes

Date: March 8, 2016       Time: 4:07-5:09        Place: Room 207

Certified                Student Representatives
Anna Marie Gantt         Rick Botkin (Ryan DePugh)
Eva Lange                Alea Balda (Giselle Enriquez)
Michael Halfmann
Kimberly Gay (absent)

Parent Representatives   Administration Representatives
Maria Saavedra           Bobby Estrella (RJ Lundstrom)
Aimee Bardiau (absent)   Kat Bolasky (absent)
Nelson Brown (absent)
Craig Courville

Classified Representative  Community Representative
Pam Diebold                Darryl Day

Call to the Audience

Mr. Charles Collingwood addressed Site Council re: school culture regarding AZ Merit Scores. Sahuaro’s ranking has dropped from 103 in 2014, to 221 in 2015. Free/reduced lunch cannot be a cause: Sahuaro has 37% F/R lunch, less than other schools that outscored SHS. Test burnout, although true, cannot be a reason, as all TUSD students undergo the same amount of testing. Half the senior class is registered for the lowest level math class. We must be discussing how to change the culture and climate of the school.

Action Items: 

  1. Mrs. Saavedra approved the January minutes (there was no quorum in February. Ms. Gantt seconded them. (see

Discussion Items:

  1. Faculty Items
  • In-house Intervention – teachers want information, share feedback – Answered by Mr. Lundstrom: Level 3 and above offences (low-grade, 1-10 days (i.e. fighting, bullying, harassing)) get in-house. After a 30-day suspension, student will be in ISI for one day before being acclimated back into general population. ISI students have full day, no cell phones or distractions, access to 2 computers, and text books from all classes. Teachers are encouraged to provide extra work for this reason. Mr. Mack does behavioral counseling as well (7 steps to being a successful teen)
  • Campus Clean-up – SHS now has a full grounds crew. Campus is divided into 5 quadrants on a rotational basis so a routine is developed. Clubs are encouraged to organize volunteer days to beautify the campus.
  • Lunch time monitoring – Security is established between buildings. Not allowing passes during 4th period will reduce the flow. When students leave a locked building, others are able to enter, causing disruption. We have 4 security guards. DO NOT allow students to leave during 4th
  • Review of protocol for student cell phone issues – Board Policy states that teachers may ask for phones. Teachers have choices: Ask for the phone. If they refuse to give it, you may call security or send the student to the office for admin to address. Although Board Policy states the teacher is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged phones, this has not been tested. It is recommended to not keep the phone after class is over – bring it to admin, return it, or call parent.
  • Review of protocol for dress code violations – Mr. Lundstrom could not speak to this – must wait for response from Mr. Estrella.
  • Maintaining a quorum – Site Council members who cannot attend a meeting, should let facilitator know ASAP. Current secretary, Aimee Bardiau has been absent for last 3 meetings. S.C. looking for another parent who can maintain the time commitment. Mrs. Saavedra will check with an active parent she knows. If anyone else knows someone to finish this year and continue next year, please email Eva Lange.
  • The Paper Cut – SHS News: The next issue will be released March 17. Varsity sports scores are being updated. Rosters for Varsity teams are included. Congrats to Ms. Barnes – New Choir Teacher of the Year and all the great work she is doing to advance SHS Choir program. Continue to email news-worthy stories to [email protected]

2. Principal report

  • Undesignated tax credit – Mr. Estrella had to attend a Board meeting, which was moved up to 5pm, so we do not have a dollar amount. Rick Botkin was being honored as a recipient of the MLK scholarship. Initial suggestion is installing security cameras on campus. Under Giangardella, this was looked into years ago. The cost would have been approximately $40,000 – money that would have been recouped from damages that incurred. This will be on the agenda again next month.

3. Parent report

  • Mr. Courville stated that he has been told by several athletes that teachers are not being supportive when they must leave class early. Some have received rude comments from teachers. Mr. Lundstrom will look into this and address this concern. Student athletes need teacher support. Making an athlete feel bad for having to go to a game, meet, or match is not acceptable.

4. Student Council report

  • Prom will be April 22, Friday, at Skyline Country Club. Teachers are requested to chaperone.
  • Attempts are being made to organize a Service Saturday
  • Executive Elections are Friday, March 11.

5. Community report – no community report.

Announcements: The next meeting of the Sahuaro Site Council will be April 12, 2016. Email agenda items to [email protected]