“Stuck in the Woods,” a Self-Written and Directed Children’s Play

Paula Le, Reporter

When kids today aren’t interested in the magic of fairy tales due to more “entertaining” things online, everything is at stake. The fairy tale characters must bring back the magic that was once lost. Follow the characters transforming into more modernized versions of their stories that’ll apply more to children!

Drama’s 4th Period Intermediate Class has been working on a children’s play since the beginning of February. The future of performances seemed far-fetched (especially with a real public audience), but the theater class was able to organize a children’s show for family and friends to watch.

“Stuck in the Woods” is self-written and directed by Olivia Easton, Sahuaro’s Senior Officer. This show is the first finished play she has written, so “Stuck in the Woods” is very dear to her. “I decided to write a play mainly because of copywriter issues with the online format, but I also thought it would be a fun challenge since I have always enjoyed writing.”

The process of finalizing the children’s play was not a piece of cake amongst some of the actors and actresses. Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, one of the lead actresses of the play, acknowledges that the most challenging part of preparing for the show has been developing character without the support of peers. Collaborating in any theater production is an ensemble effort, so a bond between actors is essential. “In-person we can see what each other is doing when it comes to body language and subtext better (…) It’s just been a challenging process doing that without each other LOL.” Understandable when most of the time we see each other from the shoulder up, a forehead if we’re lucky. Olivia expresses that she has made mistakes and overestimated the size of the cast throughout the journey, but she overall enjoyed the ride.

On the upside, there were astounding outcomes from months of production. “I would say that most of us had become closer and are having fun from it. My personal favorite part is getting to work on both costumes and makeup,” Mason O’Donnell, who plays Rapunzel, beamed. Breakout rooms are nobody’s favorite social interaction, but there was a mutual understanding between students, furthering the bond. To build character, confidence, and release any stress from life around us, Mrs. Strong had the class perform their characters but with different personas. Soap Opera? Check. Surfer dude? Yup. Singing our lines? The music industry is in shambles. Mrs. Strong’s attempt in decreasing the tension and awkwardness in the air truly worked.

Sadly, theater performances are not able to take place on a real stage, but the show must go on.

On May 17th, a Zoom meeting will open at 6:25 p.m, and performance(s) will start at 6:30 p.m. Two Intermediate Shows will be performed on the same night back to back. “The Never-Ending Fairytale,” written by Megan Smith and 1st Period students, will open the show, intermission will take place, and then “Stuck in the Woods” will perform right after. Please show support for the Theater Department and attend! Bring snacks/dinner, friends, family, and your pet goldfish — any animal is welcomed though. You’ll see your favorite fairy tales such as Alice in Wonderland, Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and many more. Theater looks forward to seeing familiar faces.

Break a leg Cougars!

Zoom Meeting ID: 873 8217 7625

Passcode: Drama