The Core Four of The Paper Cut

Nousha Aldhefery, Associate Editor In Chief

Since its inception in 2015, Sahuaro’s school newspaper, The Paper Cut, has striven to provide students, faculty, and the community with cutting-edge news, inspirational features, and important information. But the core of the operation this school year are the four women that run it, our editors. Nathalia Valdez, Gianni Martinez, Amanda Mourelatos, and Nousha Aldhefery are the wonderful, ethnically diverse, and spectacular women that make The Paper Cut exactly the layout that it is.

Nathalia Valdez, the one with the greatest smile and biggest heart.

Without her, our social media would be done for, you could say goodbye to our updates around Sahuaro, and the fun little questions that run on polls.  While also editing others’ articles, Nat exudes such a caring aura to her presence. Nathalia is proud to be in the newspaper. She says “The Paper Cut has not only helped me grow into who I am today, but also taught me important life skills, such as positive communication and listening. The Paper Cut has also given me the opportunity to interview extraordinary people and make amazing friends.”  Nat joined the newspaper team her sophomore and was put in charge of social media and communications.  Her junior year, she was promoted to associate-editor-in-chief and then co-editor-in-chief her senior year.  Sponsor, Ms. Lange, says, “I’ve loved having Nat on The Paper Cut team.  She has such a great attitude.  She takes charge when needed – like with ordering our T-shirts, coming up with fundraising ideas, or showing our spirit by painting Kermie sipping tea on my classroom wall or decorating my door at Christmas.”

Gianni Martinez

Gianni Martinez, one of the funniest people you’ll meet.

She’s not only smart and intelligent, but she makes sure you know what you’re doing at all times. With the most welcoming approach, she teaches you things you’d never learn, things you didn’t even know you’d care about. She says “The Paper Cut is an amazing group of talented young artists, whose goal is to deliver the news everyone wants to know about! The tea is hot, and so is this class!”  Gianni joined the team her junior year as Sports Editor, but was promoted to co-associate-editor-in-chief her senior year.  Ms. Lange says, “Gianni’s vibrant personality adds life to every class we have.  She comes in with a burst of energy that is contagious.  From starting spontaneous dance parties, to giving us the low-down on what is happening with StuCo, she’s missed whenever she’s not around.”

Amanda Mourelatos

Amanda Mourelatos, truly the brains of the operation. If her role were to be described overall, it’d be that she was the backbone of the newspaper. Always helping others, asking the important questions, and making sure everything is up to par. The Paper Cut truly has a blessing with her being involved thoroughly. If you were to have her as an editor, even for a day, you’d be lucky. She says, “Being in The Paper Cut has helped me grow into a leader and a powerful woman. I have a voice, and I’ve been taught how to use it. The wonderful women around me are just as strong, and are helping me teach others about their voices as well.”  Amanda has been on the team since her freshman year as Cougart editor, the associate-editor-in-chief sophomore year, and she was promoted to senior-editor-in-chief her junior and senior year.  Ms. Lange says, “Amanda has a bright future in journalism. I totally see her working for Rolling Stone magazine one day.  She is super passionate about music and loves to attend concerts. I’m blown away by how astutely she captures a band’s artistry.  Whoever replaces her next year will have to really step up their game – Amanda has set the bar uber high.”

Nousha Aldhefery

And lastly, Nousha Aldhefery, (me!). This is my first year in The Paper Cut, and I loved having the opportunity to be a part of something greater than myself. I have more than enough opportunities in the newspaper to use my voice and be vocal about things that are important to me. I always thought it was crazy that I could talk about something I’m absolutely passionate about, and get a good grade on it. It’s great being a part of the core four, with these amazing strong women who teach me new things everyday I’m in class. They challenge me, inspire me, and make me better at my writing. Ms. Lange says, “Nousha would just hang out in my room her junior year, so we all convinced her to join the team in her final year – and I’m so glad that she did!  As a New Yorker, Nousha doesn’t mince words.  She is raw, vulnerable, and honest in her writing.  Nousha has strong opinions, and she knows how to eloquently get them across in her writing.  She is a great addition to the Core Four this year.”

The core four of The Paper Cut are diverse, empowering, and supportive women who are supportive of one another, teach each other new things, and all have something to offer. It’s safe to say that even if one of them weren’t included in the team, The Paper Cut would definitely fall apart, or it would not be as good as it is now.

“I love how well these women work together.  Zero drama.  They all have the same goal – to produce the best newspaper possible, every single issue!”