Black History: Why Harriet Tubman Should Be on the $20 Bill

Deartis Mason, Reporter

So, why should Harriet Tubman replace Andrew Jackson on teh $20 you might be wondering?  Well, aside from helping her family (and thousands more) escape slavery, she led troops in combat, cured dysentary, and was generally probably one of the coolest women alive – for her time and ours.  She dodged the police, dogs, mobs, bounty hunters, and slave catchers. She and the people she helped flle the bonds of slavery slept in swamps and moved only at night.  She once told a man ”You go on or die.” He alias was the “black ghost,” the bounty on her head was at least $12,000, equal to around $330,000 today.  And listen to this – she had brain surgery to fix her sleep problems. She refused anesthesia. She opted instead to chew on a bullet, just like Civil War soldiers did when they had a limb amputated.

The United States has been working to release the Harriet Tubman twenty dollar bill since Obama was in office; the 20 dollar bill was supposed to be rolled out in 2020 to mark the centennial anniversary of the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote.

The plan to put her on the bill fell through and it was decided to ahve a delay. One of the reasons given for the delay was the concern over counterfeit security. Tubman enthusiasts did not like this idea whatsoever, instead believing that the reason for it not coming out yet was the Tump administration’s lack of interest of race and gender equality, and to back them up, our past president, Donald Trump, hung the portrait of Andrew Jackson  – the seventh U.S. President who is currently on the 20$ – in the Oval office and he refused to unveil Barack Obama’s portrait.

Some supporters of Tubman’s have said that putting her on the twenty dollar bill would be a good thing stating, ” I would rather spend Harriet’s twenty dollar bill in a nation that values black lives socially and culturally.”