Smile, It’s Senior Photo Time

Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

Grab your cap and gown, put on your best dress or suit, and smile – it’s senior photo time. Here in Tucson, there’s a whole lot of desert, desert, and more desert. Here are some different local locations that might suit your photo shoot desires.

Downtown Tucson

Downtown Tucson- a popular place to get away from the cacti and dirt. The architecture, wall murals, and urban feels make for great backgrounds; especially if you’re like me and don’t want just another dry desert photo shoot.

Agua Caliente


Agua Caliente- a beautiful, scenic park popular for photo shoots. There’s a pond and a bridge, which are perfect for posing and bringing out the blue in your eyes. Not only that, but the towering palm trees are great for leaning against.


Mount Lemmon

Mount Lemmon- another scenic, vast area with lots of trees and nature. If you go to Windy Point, you won’t need a fan to make your hair blow. The further up you go, there may even be snow!


U of A Mall



U of A Mall- perfect for incoming Wildcats. There are lots of variation with backgrounds such as a brick wall, staircases, a water fountain, and more. Not only that, but there’s glowing green grass (which you can’t find much elsewhere).


Mercado San Agustin




Mercado San Agustin- a place with variety for all your photoshoot needs. This marketplace is similar to downtown with the different architecture as well as cacti and flowers.


Traildust Town



Trail dust Town- an outdoor area with a wonderfully western feel. There’s plenty of plants and places where the sun shines perfectly on you. This is where Silhouette Photography does their work and Sahuaro seniors get their yearbook photo from.


Bear Canyon Trail


Bear Canyon Trail- if desert is what you’re looking for, this is the place for it. Depending on what you’re looking for, you may have to hike for it, but there are plenty of rocky features and gorgeous Tucson nature.

Side note: depending on the place, your photographer may need to get a permit to shoot there. Happy senior photo shoot time!