Sahuaro’s 2021 Virtual Elective Fair

Lia Ghirardi, Reporter

Every year we select classes to take for the following school year, but with virtual learning how do students know the options they have? This past Tuesday, January 19th, Sahuaro held a virtual elective fair for students. Students who attended, got presentations and little blurbs about what electives, and other special classes, such as AP and honors classes, are available for next year.

So what are all the classes that are available? Sahuaro has a wide range of electives, from auto, to culinary, to newspaper, and so much more! Speaking of newspaper, you should join The Paper Cut. It is taught by fabulous Ms. Lange! When asked, “Why should people join The Paper Cut?” Ms. Lange responded, “The class is fun, educational, and inspiring…students get to choose what they want to write about, and people get to read your work…it also looks great on college applications.” So come hang with Ms. Lange next school year!

There is also some very interesting AP courses like psychology that is offered as well. Some classes are limited to certain grades, but for the most part, a lot of electives are open to all students. There was also PowerPoint presentations on what core classes you can take next year as well. This can be find on Sahuaro’s website. Presentations included science classes, math classes, english classes, and history classes. Picking classes this year will have to be different due to virtual classes, but the options for classes remain almost the same. If you missed out on your grade’s elective fair, all the elective options are uploaded to YouTube.