Original, Uncut, One of a Kind: Photos That Bring Me Happiness
Gianni Martinez, Associate Editor-in-Chief
January 8, 2021
It’s a new year, 2021, a year where possibilities are endless and a year where small things have a big impact in my life and the lives of others. Original photos taken by me that capture the essence of life and all things that’ll bring me peace and happiness all 2021. Manifest it and enjoy!
I started off the new year by wanting to physically challenge my body to the top of Tumamoc hill and whew chile was I hurting in the end. But I made it, my mom and I made it to the top of the hill. Snapped a picture, took a deep breathe and just admired the beautiful work of God. This was truly a great start to the new year!
These here are my babies, my new and improved ways to escape from reality and just write down what is on my mind. The book on the far right is more of a guide for how to take in every moment and focus on what is going on right now. It really is all about here and now. The one on the left was a gift from a friend and has a beautiful brown girl with flowers on it-looks just like me. Journaling is an escape from reality, whether it be the news or just my thoughts, it’s been very therapeutic to write it all down.
We couldn’t have pictures of people in these photos, so I captured a shadow of my 13-year old brother-who will be 14 on January 11. The sole fact that he’ll be on his way to high school in a few short months scares the big sister out of me and I immediately go into momma bear mode. This picture captures the inner child inside of all of us and when walking to this park, swinging on those swings I realized just how important it is to be with those you love and to let that little kid out once in a while. Yes we’re growing, becoming adults and all that but why not have some fun along the way? My little brother helped me notice that and we stayed at that park all afternoon.
It’s almost embarrassing to admit the amount of stuffed animals I had in middle school, and even more corny when I say I was a major fan of dark vampire like books filled with weird drama and suspense. But hey, that was me back in the day, a firm believer that vampires were awesome and I wanted to be one so badly. However as my love for reading started to mature the same way I was, thank God, my interest in novels grew as well. Reading, writing, typing will always make me happy as long as I love what I read, write, or type.
Yes, these are seashells outside in the sun where they’ve been hanging for years now in my backyard. I love the way the sunlight hits them and the noise they make when the breeze brushes past them-that makes me so very happy. It’s like sitting on the sand at the beach, soaking up the sun and feeling the breeze. The shells and I are one with each other or something like that…
Right next to my shells I have a perfectly placed blue glass whale sitting on the edge of my backyard area just chilling, enjoying life. This little guy makes me so happy because I know he’s happy-he doesn’t have school, or worries about life. He’s just chillin’ and I love that for him. It really do be the simple things in life that can bring happiness in one’s face again.
AN AVOCADOOO, man just cutting this thing open and seeing how ripe it is gives me so much joy. If I could eat avocados all day, everyday I would believe me I would. She’s just so pretty you don’t want to eat it but then you slap some salt, pepper, and lime juice on that and wow we’re going to flavor town tonight! The picture itself is so aesthetically pleasing to me like dang I did good.
The creamer I used for this coffee really gave it some life-see I’ve recently come up with a theory: If you give your coffee some life and a little love, it’ll give you the energy and joy you need to get you through the day ahead. It’s a win-win situation and I definitely have a strong, loving relationship with my coffee. This picture makes me happy too-the coffee looks almost angelic in a way.
In the spirit of coffee and all things aesthetically pleasing we come across an area in our home that’ll forever look and feel amazing. One day when we have a house I expect the kitchen to have this feel right here-the green tones in the leaves contrasting against the white wall that gives life to the ombre of grey and dark grey coffee mugs, waiting for their opportunity to be used by someone. Balanced perfectly with the brown acorns in the clear glass vase making this work space and bar area a little more sophisticated yet maintaining a home-like feel. I get overly excited about these things.
As we conclude this rollercoaster of pictures and their meaning in my life, I found myself taking a picture of the very things that I’ll have forever because of what 2020 gave us and how 2021 will work with what we have now. This very laptop that holds all the information, texts, readings, school, life, friends, family I can think of, will be the very thing I have to work on for the rest of the year and of course when I start the new journey of college-so thanks for being so strong MacBook I promise to buy you more storage soon. The new planner I purchased as a way to organize my work and life will further help me in this year. Lastly my water bottle that’s been with me through thick and thin, bumps and cracks, and she still be giving me all the water and nutrients I need on a daily. All these things and more barely scratch the surface of what makes me happy, but for now you get this. So I hope you enjoyed the ride, don’t forget to enjoy the little things and take it one day at a time. Love, Gianni Class of 2021.